FM: Putin is afraid of success of Peace Summit, so he sends false signals about readiness to end war

FM: Putin is afraid of success of Peace Summit, so he sends false signals about readiness to end war

The purpose of anonymous statements by Russian sources about Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin's alleged readiness to freeze the war on the current contact line is to disrupt the Peace Summit in Switzerland initiated by Ukraine, whose success the Kremlin is very much afraid of.

This was stated by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on the social network X, Ukrinform reports.

"Why are Russian 'sources' suddenly telling the media that Putin is ready to stop the war on the current contact line? It's very simple. Putin is desperately trying to disrupt the Peace Summit in Switzerland. He is afraid of its success," said the head of Ukrainian diplomacy.

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In this context, Kuleba drew attention to the fact that Putin's entourage sends these false signals of alleged readiness for a ceasefire, despite the fact that Russian troops continue to brutally attack Ukraine.

"At the moment, Putin has no desire to stop the aggression. Only the principled and united voice of the world majority can make him choose peace over war. This is what the Peace Summit is designed to achieve. That is why he is so afraid of it," the Foreign Minister stressed.

He stressed that this is why it is so important that as many leaders from all continents and parts of the world as possible attend the Summit.

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"When the whole world speaks out in support of the restoration of the full force of the UN Charter and international law, Russia will be forced to make a choice in favour of peace," Kuleba said.

As reported, according to Reuters, which cites its own sources, Putin is ready to negotiate an end to the war against Ukraine, but only if the current front line is fixed.

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