President Zelensky predicts when Europe to be finally liberated from Russian imperialism
The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during an online meeting with German students, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
“Unfortunately, relations with Russia’s neighbors have been viewed by some European politicians through the Russian optics for too long. For many years, the policy of European states – not all, but those with the greatest influence – has been based on the principle of caution towards Russian ambitions and dialogue with Russia - no matter what. This became political fertilizer for the audacity of Russian imperialism. For the confidence of the current master of the Kremlin that Europeans are allegedly weak. And that the missile legacy of the Soviet authorities allegedly outweighs international law, democracy, the strategic goal to unite Europe, namely the need to guarantee peace on our continent,” Zelensky said.
In his words, Russia was wrong in its assessment of Ukraine and the whole of Europe.
“We haven’t been taken aback. We have united. We have shown that Russia will never again control the European space and dictate to people how to live and what to value,” the President of Ukraine stressed.
Zelensky thanked Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz for his “determination to admit that the past is over” and the fact that Germany is becoming one of the leaders in supporting Ukraine.
“We appreciate the fact that German policy is being freed from Russian optics in relation to Ukraine and other countries-neighbors of Russia. But the page of European history, on which the Russian belief in the weakness of Europe is based, has not yet been turned. There is still a feeling in Moscow that it is possible to use threats or bribery to persuade European states to take the decisions Russia expects. I am sure that this page of history will be turned forever when we will be able to liberate our cities and villages from Russian terrorists with the help of German ‘Leopards’, ‘Marders’, ‘Gepards’,” Zelensky noted.
The President of Ukraine believes this will be the time when Europe will be finally liberated from imperialism.
“It will be one decision – and how much fidelity to principles will be in it! Perhaps it will be the greatest in the history of Europe after the fall of the Soviet empire,” Zelensky added.