Carpenter: Word ‘Nazi’ in Russia means any Ukrainian who does not support war
According to an Ukrinform correspondent, Ambassador Michael R. Carpenter, U.S. Permanent Representative to the OSCE, said this at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Thursday, June 9.
"We need look no further than Russia’s former head of state to understand Russia’s true aims in this conflict. He says, and I quote: ‘I hate them. They are bastards and scum… And as long as I’m alive, I’ll do anything to make them disappear.’ Let me repeat that: ‘I’ll do anything to make them disappear.’ There you have it. The most succinct articulation of Russian policy that we have heard to date," Carpenter said.
The U.S. diplomat added that the Kremlin advances the plan that Medvedev plainly articulated. The language used by Russia’s representatives, including those in this Council, clearly match the actions of Russia’s forces on the ground. Indeed, the word “Nazi” in Russian official parlance simply means any Ukrainian who does not support Russia’s war against Ukraine. “‘De-nazification’ is therefore synonymous with making Ukrainian citizens who do not support Russia’s war against their country disappear. Quite literally,” Carpenter said.
In his opinion, the Kremlin will stop at nothing - "its bombardments continue to devastate schools, kindergartens, and hospitals."
The U.S. ambassador criticized the Russian delegation to the OSCE and its constant lies about the war in Ukraine, including denial of atrocities and war crimes committed by members of Russia’s forces. “Everyone here knows that Bucha and Borodyanka and Mariupol and Kherson will go down in history as the sites of unspeakable war crimes. Everyone in this Council understands that the Russian delegation lies in such a brazen way that their claims would be laughable if they were not so vile,” he said.
According to Carpenter, the Russian ambassador “must really take us all for fools if he expects anyone to buy his cheap propaganda that Ukrainians are somehow bombing their own cities, destroying their own schools and hospitals, and raping their own population.”