Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania declare number of Russian diplomats personae non grata
Current activities of those persons under diplomatic cover are incompatible with their diplomatic status and are causing detriment to the Republic of Latvia, the country’s foreign ministry reported, according to Ukrinform.
The decision “was taken in solidarity with Ukraine in its fight against the unprovoked and unjustified military aggression by Russia against Ukraine, with members of security services of the Russian Federation having played an important role in the planning and implementation of that aggression.”
The decision was conveyed to Russian Ambassador to Latvia Mikhail Vanin. Expelled diplomats must leave the country by 23:59 on March 23.
Today, Russia's ambassador to Estonia was summoned to the country's foreign ministry, where he was handed a diplomatic note stating that three employees of the Russian embassy with diplomatic status had been declared non grata. They “directly and actively undermined Estonia’s security and spread propaganda justifying Russia’s military action.” All three must leave the country within 72 hours.
Russian Ambassador to Lithuania, Oleksiy Isakov, was summoned to the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, where he was handed a note declaring four employees of the Russian Embassy personae non grata for their activities incompatible with diplomatic status. The diplomats were instructed to leave Lithuania within five days. Lithuania also “made such a decision in solidarity with Ukraine, which has been facing the unprecedented Russian military aggression.”
The Baltic states strongly condemned Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and expressed all forms of support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and called on Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine.