Russian propaganda fabricates video about women joining Ukraine’s Armed Forces
Pro-Kremlin Telegram channels are spreading a video allegedly released by the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the aim of recruiting women into the Ukrainian army. It says that a Ukrainian woman who wants to find a strong, courageous, responsible man should join the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the authors of the Telegram channel, the video is allegedly shown on Ukrainian video services as a motivational video.

This video turned out to be fabricated. There is not such video on the official resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Russian propagandists have “pieced it together” from various footage that are publicly available on the Internet. One of them can be found in a video published a year ago on YouTube.

Another fragment used by Russians in their video can also be found on YouTube. It was published two months ago.

Another shot was taken from the Pexels free photo and video service.

In order to make the video fake look like a promotional ad from a video service, the propagandists likely used the design of the Ukrainian resource UASerials. The identical website design can be seen when viewing the embedded motivational video.

Earlier, the Russians fabricated a video saying that a real woman should be a defendress on the front.
Dmytro Badrak