Russian propaganda forges cover of Handelsblatt German business newspaper
Z-Telegram channels and Twitter bots share the "cover" of the Handelsblatt German business daily. The photo shows a caricature of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky who is not allowed to join NATO.

This is a fake and a fabrication of Russian propaganda. There is no cover with this image on the official website of Handelsblatt. The fake cover says that the issue has number 134 and will be released on July 14, 2023. But the issue of that number and released on that date had a completely different cover.

The original cover features CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella and is entitled "Microsoft Principles".

The topic of Ukraine during the NATO Summit in Vilnius was on the front page of the newspaper, but a day earlier – on July 13. It shows a photo from Volodymyr Zelensky's press conference after meeting with U.S. President Joseph Biden and his quote "After the war, Ukraine will become NATO member."

During the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Ukraine received security guarantees from the G7 countries and the first meeting of the newly created Ukraine-NATO Council was held.
Earlier, Russian propaganda faked the cover of the Charlie Hebdo French satirical magazine.
Andriy Olenin