Russian fake: Poles being prepared for nuclear accident
Recently, a number of z-Telegram channels and the Kremlin media spread the information that instructions on what to do in case of a nuclear explosion began to be distributed in Poland. To confirm it, they published a photo of the instruction itself, which was allegedly created by the Ministry of Health of Poland. This is evidenced by the name of the institution in the upper right corner and its logo. In case of a radiation emergency, the Poles are advised to follow official notifications, have access to telephone and television, and not to panic. In addition, it is necessary to close doors, windows and cover various openings to prevent radiation from entering homes. The instruction allegedly issued by the Ministry of Health of Poland also states that it is necessary to stay at home until the official notification, and if it is necessary to go outside, the nose and mouth should be covered with a wet towel. Then one needs to take a shower, change shoes and clothes. In addition, the instructions advise not to consume food from unreliable sources and to hide animals.

This is fake. There are no radiation emergency instructions on the official website of the Ministry of Health of Poland, as well as on its official Facebook page. Such instructions were not printed, the Ministry representatives told Ukrinform.
Russians actively create fake leaflets to confirm their narratives. Last year, specialists of the Zaporizhzhia Investigation Center already debunked a Russian fake about a nuclear disaster which propagandists also spread by forging leaflets.
Already this year, the Russian mass media also "announced" a nuclear disaster in Ukraine. They claimed that due to the alleged strike on ammunition depots in Khmelnytskyi on May 12 and in Ternopil on May 13, the “background radiation levels rose” in the cities. Ukrinform also debunked this fake.
Dmytro Badrak