Russian fake: Russian Federation sends another echelon of newest tanks to Ukraine
The other day, Russian Telegram channels shared a video showing the transportation of tanks by train. As can be seen from the description, it allegedly depicts an echelon of new T-90 Proryv tanks heading to war in Ukraine.

This is fake. Image reverse search helps to establish that the video, which is now being spread by the propagandists, was on the Internet as early as October of last year.

In addition, journalists of the specialized media outlet BulgarianMilitary analyzed this video in 2022. According to their information, the tanks were not modernized. The video shows T-90 vehicles in their basic configuration, without dynamic protection and additional weapons. Moreover, the "echelon" consisted of only eight units of equipment.
The Russians have been actively spreading fakes about tanks lately. Recently, they created a fake video about a shot Ukrainian tank, but Ukrinform managed to establish that it was a burned-out Russian vehicle in the video.
Dmytro Badrak