Exports of Ukrainian goods increased by 6.4% in 2019
“In 2019, exports of goods increased by 6.4% (by 9.2% in 2018) and amounted to USD 46.1 billion. The growth occurred due to an increase in food exports by 19.0% (by 4.8% in 2018) and high grain exports (+33.1%)," the report reads.
In nominal terms, exports of Ukrainian goods increased to Asian countries (by USD 1.5 billion, or 11.0%), and their share grew to 33.0% (31.6% in 2018). Exports also increased to Africa (by USD 911 million, or 22.5%) and EU countries (by USD 834 million, or 5.1%).
As for imports of goods, in 2019, it grew by 7.1% (by 13.6% in 2018) and amounted to USD 60.1 billion. The growth was due to non-energy imports by 11.8% (by 13.3% in 2018), mainly due to imports of mechanical engineering (by 21.0%).
Geographically, in nominal terms, imports grew from Asian countries (by USD 2.7 billion, or 21.2%) and EU countries (by USD 2.1 billion, or 10.3%).