Over 14 million biometric passports issued in Ukraine
“14 million 200 thousand biometric passports for traveling abroad have already been issued. However, one person has the right to hold two passports; pages in passports of some people also end too fast; and the children, who were issued passports in 2015, already have their passports expired. Therefore, we approximately use the coefficient that the number of holders is 25% lower than the number of issued documents,” Head of the State Migration Service of Ukraine Maksym Sokoliuk said in an interview with the Yevropeiska Pravda online newspaper.
In June, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported that Ukrainians had made 42.6 million trips to the EU countries since the visa-free regime had been launched.
The agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on visa-free travel was signed in attendance of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and European Parliament President Antonio Tajani in Strasbourg on May 17, 2017. The deal came into effect on June 11, 2017.