Russian fake: Ukrainian woman went to Poland in search of new relationship after her husband was wounded at the front
Pro-Kremlin media outlets, "z blogger" Telegram channels and pro-Russian accounts on the X social network have been circulating a video purporting to be the story of a Ukrainian woman who went to Poland with her young son in search of new love after her husband lost his legs at the front.

This video is fake. It was made using photos that can be found in the public domain.
The first photos, published on Instagram on November 1, 2022, show a couple from the city of Mostysky, Lviv region. The man on them is a service member with the call sign "Blogger."

He told an Ukrinform correspondent that the video was fake, that he was alive and well, and that he suffered no serious injuries. The man never had a son.
The wounded soldier in the photo is Kyiv activist Oleh Symoroz who lost his legs in the war. He is gradually returning to an active life, and his beloved is supportive of him.
This is not the first time that Russian propaganda is trying to discredit Ukrainian military personnel and their families.
Andriy Olenin