Sikorski addresses Russians at OSCE: you should not be here
This was stated by Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski during his speech at the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Valletta, Malta, as reported by an Ukrinform correspondent.
As Sikorski noted, Poland is not taken in by Russia’s lies and will resist Moscow "every inch of the way."
According to him, today's Russia respects neither borders nor human rights. There are no free media in Russia, there are no honest elections, and there are more political prisoners there than in the Soviet Union under Leonid Brezhnev.
He recalled that when the Soviet Union collapsed, the West urged Russia to become a normal democratic state. However, they failed, as "it proved too difficult to emerge from their own political culture," the Polish minister noted. Sikorski emphasized that, instead, Russian leaders chose the path of "aggressive and repressive kleptocracy."
"My message to the Russian delegation is the following: we are not taken in by your lies; we know what you are doing — you are trying to rebuild the Russian empire, and we will not let you. We will resist you every inch of the way. You are successful in destroying Ukraine, but you are also destroying the future of your own country. Until you stop this brutal war, you should not be here," the Polish diplomat stressed.
Poland has called for the suspension of Russia's membership in the OSCE, but Malta's chairmanship of the Organization did not support this initiative.
As previously reported, the OSCE Ministerial Council approved new leadership for the organization, including Turkish diplomat Feridun Sinirlioğlu as the new Secretary General.