Naftogaz interested in investing in green energy development
The relevant statement was made by Naftogaz Group CEO Oleksiy Chernyshov at the opening of the First Ukraine Biomethane Forum, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
“Naftogaz Group sees its future as a modern energy company with oil and gas production, as well as green energy production from wind, solar power and biomethane. Therefore, we are looking into this direction very seriously; we are planning to consider the possibility of increased investment,” Chernyshov told.
In his words, doing business in the biomethane industry greatly depends on a significant role of the state in supporting this area. In particular, there are programs of financial support for biomethane production in the European Union.
According to Chernyshov, the development of biomethane production requires a significant amount of investment. At the same time, agricultural production combined with a powerful gas infrastructure is making Ukraine “an exclusive player” on the European biomethane market, Chernyshov added.
A reminder that Naftogaz Group is ready to support investment in expanding the production of biomethane, promote its transportation, and has ambitious plans to buy up biomethane from Ukrainian producers.
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