Energy independence of Ukrainian business: path toward success and environmental protection
For the third year in a row, Ukraine celebrates the All-Ukrainian Day of the Environment in conditions of full-scale war. The Russians are purposefully destroying the energy infrastructure and causing irreparable damage to Ukraine's ecology. Meanwhile, responsible attitude toward the environment and introduction of green technology are among the requirements for Ukraine’s European integration. This is also about new prospects for improving and developing entrepreneurship, increasing exports in general, and, in general, this is a step toward future.
In such conditions, raising the level of awareness of Ukrainians regarding the preservation of environmental safety is of particular importance.
First of all, this applies to enterprises whose use of energy-saving and energy-efficient equipment has a great impact on reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
It is for this purpose that the Business Development Fund, together with German partners KfW, with the assistance of the German Government, implement the program of soft loans for small and medium-sized enterprises "Bring energy to your business".

Martin Jaeger/Photo from MFA Ukraine website
"Environmental protection and the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions are a priority for further development. The creation and implementation of the energy efficiency programme "Bring Energy to Your Business" encourages Ukrainian entrepreneurs to save energy efficiently and contributes to their energy independence. Even in challenging and difficult times for Ukraine, we keep assisting its banking and real economy sectors to implement international environmental and social standards», said Germany’s Ambassador to Ukraine Martin Jaeger.
According to the Minister of Finance of Ukraine, Sergii Marchenko, support for businesses and their energy independence are critical factors of financial stability of the entire country. Also, protecting environment will become an essential element of post-war recovery.
“Our entrepreneurs are bravely holding the country's economy on their shoulders. The programs supporting Ukrainian business enable them to get access for affordable financing, to achieve greater efficiency and sustainability, to open new markets and opportunities for development even in the time of war,” said the minister.
The program "Bring energy to your business" is gaining momentum and has good feedback from entrepreneurs who have already joined it. Its advantages can be used by entrepreneurs throughout Ukraine, except temporarily occupied territories. It is most popular in Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Ternopil and Lviv regions.
Here are some of the examples:

Photo: Ukrgasbank
For seven years, the Furniture Park company has created 200 jobs, 4 powerful furniture factories on more than 13.5 thousand square meters, two showrooms for issuing finished products and furniture centers in Lviv, Lutsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, Kovel and Ternopil.

Photo: Ukrgasbank
"We strive to combine an innovative approach with high quality production. Therefore, we installed innovative equipment for high-precision drilling of furniture parts with the funds raised from the soft loan. The new machine is significantly more productive than the old one, as it can produce almost 2.5 times more holes per hour and has energy-efficient technology, which is important to us," said Taras Prystupa, director of the company.

Photo: Ukrgasbank
As the company notes, the engine of the machine is equipped with a frequency converter, which significantly reduces electricity consumption. In addition, the new equipment uses 30% less time to process complex parts, which also contributes to the energy efficiency of production. It is also important that the implementation of the project will reduce CO2 emissions by about 6 tons per year.
The company took the loan from Ukrgasbank under the Bring Energy to Your Business program.
A Lviv region-based company producing mushrooms, Sovita Plus, has also taken advantage of the program.

"Greenhouse farming requires uninterrupted support of the climate, so we consume a lot of electricity. We have been thinking about alternative energy solutions for a long time, and now we managed to attract preferential financing through the "Bring Energy to Your Business" program through Bank Lviv. We have already purchased a solar power plant that will power the greenhouses. The annual energy generation of such a station is 55.7 kWh/year. This allows us to predict a decrease in primary energy consumption by 139.2 kWh/year. We will also be able to reduce CO2 emissions by 59.3 tons annually. We appreciate the support of such projects, because we are convinced that the energy independence of every business is the path of a European country," said Maryana Kvyk-Malanyuk, company co-owner.

Photo: NBU
Andrii Hapon, Chairperson of the Board of the Business Development Fund, notes that the program "Bring Energy to Your Business" should be combined with other programs of the Business Development Fund, in particular with the State program "Affordable loans 5-7-9", which significantly reduces the cost of loans, and in some cases - actually up to a zero rate.
"Today, entrepreneurs from almost all regions of Ukraine have taken advantage of the program ‘Bring Energy to Your Business’. Soft loans were issued for the total amount of UAH 150 million. This is half of the EUR 7 million in loan funds of the Program provided to the Ministry of Finance through the German Development Bank KfW and with the financial support of the European Union. The program is long-term and is implemented by the Business Development Fund as part of the German Government Project ‘Refinancing of energy-efficient investments of Ukrainian SMEs through the financial sector’ with the financial support of KfW, the EU and within the EU4Business initiative," emphasized Andrii Hapon.
He adds, all these factors are criteria for the reliability and protection of an entrepreneur from currency fluctuations and other risks.
It is important to mention that the authors of the program have developed a catalog of energy-efficient and energy-saving equipment – in fact, ready-made solutions for any business, production or services.
One can find out about all this directly by contacting one of the authorized banks within the program.
"The more ecologically responsible enterprises in the country, the greater the contribution of business to the preservation of the environment. This is even more relevant today, when the war causes great damage to Ukraine's ecology. Therefore, Ukrainian business support programs, in particular, the "Bring energy to your business" program, which promote energy independence and have an ecological component, are extremely necessary. For Ukrgasbank, as a bank of sustainable development, assistance to enterprises in the implementation of energy-efficient projects aimed at reducing CO2 emissions is a strategic priority," said the Acting Chairperson of the Management Board of Ukrgasbank, Rodion Morozov.
Bank Lviv are also satisfied with their participation in the program.
"The implementation of energy-efficient projects has a positive effect on the environment. It is important that the business community of Ukraine understands this. Bank Lviv is always ready to support conscious entrepreneurs on their way to sustainable development,” said Nataliya Osadchiy, Vice President Bank Lviv.
Even more, she added that an important part of the bank's strategy is popularizing the importance of this topic from an economic point of view.
“Nowadays, this is no longer a trend, but a necessity. Our financial and expert capabilities actively contribute to the growth of the green economy here and now. Together with the state and the community, we work for a better tomorrow," she stressed.
It is worth noting that the program includes provision of free consultations on opportunities for business development, its expert assessment, scaling, entering new markets, etc.
Thus, the program "Bring Energy to Your Business" allows micro, small and medium-sized businesses not only to withstand the unprecedented challenges of the war, but also to take care of the environment, its preservation and quick recovery after the victory of Ukraine.
Vladyslav Obukh, Kyiv
First photo: depositphotos