In Sumy region, Russia intensifies recon, sabotage raids

In Sumy region, Russia intensifies recon, sabotage raids

Active use of sabotage and reconnaissance groups by the Russian invasion forces is being recorded in Sumy region, but anti-sabotage measures allow for exposing and repelling incursions in a timely manner.

That’s according to Vadym Mysnyk, spokesman for the Siversk operational-tactical grouping of troops, who spoke on the air of the national telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"We note the active use of sabotage and reconnaissance groups by the enemy. They change tactics, change the number of groups, and routes, while our terrain - huge forest areas - allows saboteurs to operate there, but our anti-sabotage measures allow for detecting them in a timely manner. We do not allow them to penetrate deep into our territory," Mysnyk said.

Read also: National Guard commander inspects fortifications in Sumy region

In general, the spokesman added, the operational situation on the Sumy and Chernihiv axes remains tense, but fully controlled by Ukraine’s Defense Forces.

"The enemy is following their previous tactics, they are shelling populated areas along the entire border strip without exception. We do not see that they focus artillery fire on some particular area. We constantly monitor the movement of enemy personnel and military equipment. They don't accumulate in one place," Mysnyk said.

"Whenever the enemy tries to drive their equipment close to the border, we detect the effort and destroy their assets," he added.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, overnight and this morning the Russians three times shelled the areas near the border in Sumy region. Seven explosions were recorded.

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