Six more children returned to Ukraine-controlled territory from temporarily occupied Kherson region

Six more children returned to Ukraine-controlled territory from temporarily occupied Kherson region

Six more children aged 1 to 9 years old with their families have been brought from the temporarily occupied territory of Kherson region to the territory controlled by Ukraine.

This was reported on Facebook by the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Prokudin, Ukrinform reports.

"Three families with 5 girls and 1 boy, aged 1 to 9 years, were taken from the temporarily occupied territory of Kherson region," Prokudin said.

According to the parents, living under occupation is extremely difficult. Not having Russian passports, they could not see doctors or get a job. In addition, the Russian military constantly searched their homes to exert psychological pressure and intimidate them, which greatly frightened the children.

Read also: Children casualties of Russian war in Ukraine reach 1,348 - prosecutors

Now all the families are safe and receive the necessary medical and psychological assistance.

It is noted that since the beginning of 2024, 94 children have been evacuated from the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region.

As reported by Ukrinform, another 13 children were returned to Ukraine from the temporarily occupied territories as part of the implementation of the President's action plan Bring Kids Back UA.

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