In Vovchansk, Russian military opens fire on police car during evacuation: one killed and one injured

In Vovchansk, Russian military opens fire on police car during evacuation: one killed and one injured

In Vovchansk, the Russian military opened fire on a police car during an evacuation. One police officer was killed and another injured.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement, Ukrinform reports.

“The occupiers hit the evacuation vehicle with an FPV drone. At that moment, there were two police officers in the car who were on their way to rescue civilians,” said the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ihor Klymenko.

Read also: Border guards show Russian EW equipment being destroyed on Vovchansk outskirts

The Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasized that Russian drones are constantly flying around. The danger to police evacuation teams remains consistently high. But police officers continue to evacuate people from the shelling. They save people despite the risks to their own lives and health.

As reported, the situation in the Kharkiv region remains difficult, but the Defense Forces have managed to stabilize the situation, particularly in the city of Vovchansk.

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