Explaining complex things in simple words: 10 years of the war, the situation on the Polish border, recovery of Ukraine
According to the Statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On repelling the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and overcoming its consequences," the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine was determined to be February 20, 2014. The same date is engraved on the medal of Russia's Ministry of Defence "For the return of Crimea."
The Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for 10 years now. It began with the Russian invasion of Crimea, and in 2022 it entered the phase of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Russia's pretext of the so-called "coup" in Ukraine does not make sense in the context of the timeline, since Russia's armed aggression began even before the escape of Ukraine's 4th president Viktor Yanukovych.
The Russian invasion of Crimea coincided with the bloody executions of the "Heavenly Hundred" in Kyiv.
The full-scale Russian invasion in 2022 was enabled, among other things, by the insufficient response of the international community to the hybrid aggression that had been going on since 2014.
We remember and honour all the heroes who, at the cost of their lives and health, restrained the enemy during these 10 years.
Polish farmers continue to block 6 out of 9 checkpoints on the border with Ukraine. The participants of the campaign threaten to block the movement of passenger transport, including buses and trains.
The border blockade significantly delays and complicates deliveries to Ukraine, primarily of humanitarian perishable goods and fuel, undermining Ukraine's stability and defence capability.
In an effort to secure their interests, the participants of the protest only help the Russians.
Another blockade of the border, first by transporters, and now by farmers, causes concern that the reason for the protests is not economic, but political interests.
The shameful situation on the border does not correspond to the spirit of Polish-Ukrainian partnership and harms both Polish and Ukrainian national interests both today and in the long term.
Ukraine informed the European Commission about the critical situation and hopes that the issue will be resolved at the EU level.
On February 19, the Ukrainian-Japanese conference on economic development and reconstruction started in Tokyo.
Japan is a reliable partner of Ukraine, which actively helps Ukrainians to address the consequences of the Russian aggression.
As part of the conference, Ukraine and Japan have already signed 56 memorandums of cooperation in various fields between the public and private sectors of the two countries.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida promised continued support by Japan in rebuilding Ukraine in cooperation with the private sector, using the country's experience and technological expertise in earthquake recovery.
In a joint communiqué, the heads of the governments of Ukraine and Japan confirmed that the strengthening of sanctions is a decisive and effective measure to contain the military potential of the Russian Federation.
The Japanese government will open an office of the Japan Foreign Trade Organization in Kyiv to strengthen business ties between the two countries.
Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security