Fragment of Russian missile hits elderly Odesa resident in his bed

Fragment of Russian missile hits elderly Odesa resident in his bed

As a result of the night attack on Odesa, a fragment of a downed enemy missile damaged a private house and fell into the bed of a 74-year-old Odesa resident.

Ukrinform correspondents talked to the wife of the injured man.

Ms. Valentyna said she woke up in the middle of the night from the explosions. The woman is visually impaired and did not immediately realize why her and her husband's house was covered in dust.

"I jumped up and everything was a blur. At first I thought it was because of my poor eyesight, I had recently had eye surgery. I didn't understand where the debris and boards came from. I immediately ran to my husband, he was sleeping in the next room. I looked and he was crushed by something. I couldn't tell if it was a barrel or not. I tried to take it off my husband, and Mykola was screaming: 'Don't touch me, it hurts me,'" Valentyna said.

Read also: Night attack on Odesa: church, hotel at seaport damaged

Realizing that she could not free her husband from the rubble alone, the woman called her neighbors for help. According to his wife, the man was hospitalized with broken ribs.

It should be noted that the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal investigation into the violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) regarding the nighttime shelling of Odesa, which injured a 74-year-old pensioner.

Read also: All six Kalibr missiles fired at Odesa destroyed

As reported, the Air Defense Forces shot down all six Kalibr missiles used by the Russians to attack Odesa at night and destroyed 21 enemy Shahed-136 drones on their approach from the sea to the Odesa region. The fragments of the downed missiles and the blast wave from the downing damaged port infrastructure and several private homes.

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