Police investigate over 84.000 proceedings on Russian war crimes - Zelensky
President Volodymyr Zelensky said this during a speech at an event on the occasion of the Day of the National Police of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.
"I am grateful to all investigators of the National Police of Ukraine - each and every one who investigates criminal offenses, including war crimes. We already have more than 84,000 such criminal proceedings and 1.838 notifications of suspicion," the President said.
In addition, the National Police of Ukraine has created a special database "War criminal", which contains more than 200,000 records of Russian mercenaries and military.
"Establishing the full truth about the crimes of the occupiers on our independent Ukrainian land is a fundamental prerequisite for bringing Russia itself to full responsibility for aggression and terror. We must do everything for this - for justice. And I am grateful to those of you who are bringing this time - the time of justice - closer. Russian criminals will definitely be held accountable for all they have committed against Ukraine and our people," the President emphasized.
As reported, Ukraine celebrates the National Police Day on July 4. The holiday was established in 2018.
Photo: OP