UNICEF, FFU and Education Ministry to hold football match for children from eastern regions of Ukraine

UNICEF will cooperate with the Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU) and the Committee of Physical Education and Sport at the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science to promote child rights and sports in Ukraine, according to a report on the UNICEF website.

In particular, the parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding defining the partnership today, recognizing sport as an important tool for children’s physical development and positive social behaviour. Among other, this collaboration will help facilitate social integration of internally displaced and conflict affected children through a range of sport activities and events, in particular through football games between schools in Eastern Ukraine.

“In the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding, the partners will hold the UNICEF Football Cup for schoolchildren aged 12 and younger. The Cup will start at the end of March and bring together about 5,000 children from five Eastern regions of Ukraine, most affected by the armed conflict. The aim of the Cup is to encourage teamwork, solidarity and mutual respect in schoolchildren and fight discrimination, exclusion and bullying as well as to promote gender equality,” reads a report.
