Kremlin continues Perun psyop to destabilize Ukraine, Western democracies – defense intel

Russian propagandists are executing an active phase of the Perun malign influence operation, set to peak by Russia’s presidential election day.

That’s according to Ukraine’s defense intelligence, Ukrinform reports.

It is aimed at destabilizing the political situation in Ukraine and Western democracies and creating conditions for "completing the tasks" of the so-called special military operation. Operation Perun is also taking place in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and in most regions of Russia.

Russia’s National Guard’s intelligence assets operating on foreign soil, are also involved in the effort.

Kremlin propagandists instruct spies from the Russian Guard system to work toward compromising Ukrainian and pro-Ukrainian Western politicians, accusing them of corruption and betrayal of Ukraine’s interests. They are also tasked with justifying Russian aggression against Ukraine and highlighting the crisis from the perspective favorable to the Kremlin. Another task is circulating disinformation on the alleged "normalization of life" in the Ukrainian territories captured by the Russians. The assets are also instructed to shape up the image of "Ukrainian Nazis" in the Russian and European media space, etc.

Read also: Russia's psyop "Maidan 3" to reach climax in March-May - intel

According to the Russian handbook, the Kremlin's security agencies refer to the events unfolding Ukraine in the first half of 2024, using both long-established and newly invented false narratives: about the alleged coup d'état being plotted in Kyiv, about Ukraine being responsible for unleashing hostilities in Donbas, about the alleged mass killing of pro-Russian activists in Odesa, and others, defense intelligence analysts emphasized.

The operation is expected to climax around the day of Russia’s presidential election.

The invaders plan to have completed the Perun psyop by June 30.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, referring to Ukraine’s military intelligence, Russia launched the Perun operation in February 2024, aimed at justifying the war of aggression against Ukraine.