Some 74% of Ukrainians reject any territorial concessions to Russia

As of December 2023, 74% of Ukrainians oppose the idea of ceding any territory to Russia, while the number ready for such concessions increased from 10% in May to 19% in December.

That’s according to an all-Ukrainian survey run by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) from November 29 to December 9, 2023, Ukrinform reports.

According to sociologists, in the period from May 2022 to May 2023, the situation was relatively stable: about 8-10% of respondents were ready for territorial concessions, and the absolute majority - 82-87% - consistently opposed those. Since May 2023, there has been a gradual increase in the share of those who are ready for territorial concessions: from 10% in May to 14% in October, and up to 19% in December. Along with this, there is a trend to a decrease in the share of those who oppose territorial concessions (from 84% in May to 80% in October, and to 74% in December), although as of now, a clear majority of Ukrainians still believe Ukraine should not give up any of its territories, the KMIS notes.

Read also: Ukraine rejects idea of territorial concessions to Russia - Zelensky

As sociologists note, between May and October 2023, the share of those who were ready for territorial concessions grew mainly at the expense of the south and east, but between October and December it was at the expense of the West and the Center. Thus, in the west, the share of such respondents increased from 9% in October to 20%, in the center – from 10% to 15%. In the south and east, changes in the share of those ready to make concessions are much less noticeable, although there are also negative trends (regarding a decrease in the share of those who are against concessions).

"At the same time, in all regions, a clear majority of respondents (from, respectively, 68% and 69% in the south and east to 76 and 79% in the west and center) still oppose territorial concessions to Russia," the KMIS states.

Researchers added that, if analyzed by region of residence as of the time of the interview (December 2023), similar trends can be observed. Even among residents of the south and east, who are closest to the war zone, 67% oppose any territorial concessions (at the same time, 22% of those living in the south and 25% of those living in the east are ready for them). The situation among residents of the west and center is only slightly different toward lower readiness for territorial concessions.

According to the survey, respondents who support territorial concessions are more pessimistic in their views – among them 22% believe that Russia is too strong and even adequate help from the West will not help. However, the majority (71%) of those who are ready for territorial concessions believe that with proper support from the West, Ukraine will be able to prevail.

Among those who are against territorial concessions, 93% are sure of success given proper support from the West.

Instead, the respondents have opposite views on the strategy of actions in case of a significant decrease in support for the West. Among respondents who are ready for territorial concessions, 69% would consider it expedient to cease hostilities with serious security guarantees (28% are in favor of continuing the fight). At the same time, 70% of respondents who are against territorial concessions, even if aid is significantly limited, are in favor of continuing the resistance (and 22% are in favor of ceasing it).