Blast in Shevchenkivskyi court in Kyiv: roads blocked within kilometer radius


Roads were blocked within a kilometer radius of the Shevchenkivskyi Court, where the explosion occurred.

That's according to Ukrinform.

Special forces, an investigative team, explosives experts and dog handlers are working at the scene.

The interim head of the Judicial Protection Service Viktor Moroz during speaking with journalists near the court said that no one was killed or injured as a result of the explosion. 

"Everyone is alive. There are no casualties. Members of the National Guard and the Judicial Protection Service did everything to prevent losses," Moroz said.

According to Ukrinform, the explosion occurred at 17.20. According to the Kyiv City Military Administration, servicemen of the National Guard convoy service brought a defendant to the Shevchenkivskyi court of the capital, who, under unclear circumstances, blew up an unknown explosive device in the courtroom (previously a restroom).