Ukraine’s Defense Ministry proposes alternative to word “russophobia”

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has put forward a proposal to fix the popular vocabulary due to the frequent use by the Russian propaganda of the word “russophobia.”

That’s according to a tweet posted by the ministry’s press service.

“kremlin bots keep whining about ‘russophobia’.  Let’s remind them of a book they keep ignoring - the dictionary. Phobia essentially means fear of something. But nobody is afraid of russkies&their crumbling army. Let’s get our vocabulary straight: not russo-phobia, but russo-go-homia,” the tweet reads.

Read also: Enemy spreading fake news about failures of Ukrainian forces in Kherson region - regional council

As is known, since the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has started to use more frequently the word “russophobia,” exploiting it as one of the tools of its hybrid war waged including in the information space.