UWC compelled to sever formal ties with Ukrainians in Russia

In a move to protect the Ukrainian ethnic minority in Russia, the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) was compelled to suspend membership of all Ukrainian organizations and UWC leaders in Russia.

The Congress explains that the move comes after Vladimir Putin enacted draconian laws that impose criminal sanctions on Russian citizens for associating with “undesirable” organizations, including the Ukrainian World Congress.

At an extraordinary meeting on July 10, 2021, the UWC Board of Directors voted to suspend the membership of all UWC organizations from the Russian Federation, including the Prosvita Far East Ukrainian Spiritual Cultural and Educational Centre in Vladivostok and the Povolzhia Fellowship of Ukrainians in Saratov.

This vote came at the request of the UWC member organizations and Board members from Russia, who today face criminal liability for working with the UWC after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law 230 on June 28, 2021.

This law expands the scope of an earlier prohibition on Russian nationals from participating in the activities of organizations deemed ‘undesirable’ that was limited to the territory of the Russian Federation. The new legislation extends the prohibition beyond Russia.

Further, on July 1, 2021, President Putin enacted Federal Law 292 which amended Russia’s Criminal Code. Russians now found guilty of being involved with ‘undesirable’ organizations can face up to 6 years in prison.

For millions of ethnic Ukrainians who are citizens of the Russian Federation, the Kremlin’s actions violate their human and civil rights.

“We call on the international community to condemn these actions by the Kremlin and to take concrete steps to protect democratic values and human rights,” UWC President Paul Grod said.

Despite this threat, UWC will continue to support and advocate internationally for Ukrainians living in Russia by raising global awareness about the human rights violations and cultural genocide they are suffering.