UWC calls on Ukrainians around the world to participate in Holodomor commemoration events

On the eve of the 87th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine, the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) has called on Ukrainians around the world to participate in commemoration events and sign a petition to include the word "Holodomor" in all major English-language dictionaries.

“November is Holodomor Awareness Month - an opportunity to reflect on a period in history that has shaped our identity as a nation and continues to drive our quest for historical truth and global recognition of this genocide of the Ukrainian people. Join the international community in remembrance and education by participating in live commemorative events in your local community and virtual ceremonies from around the world. Have you signed the petition to add the word ”Holodomor” to the world's English language dictionaries? Why don't you do it now?” the UWC wrote on Facebook.

In July 2020, the Canada-Ukraine Foundation created the petition to get the word Holodomor included in all major English-language dictionaries.
