Francis Fukuyama on Identity Politics at ERSTE Foundation in Vienna on 7 March

Discussion with Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and others – live stream from 7.30 p.m. CET (until about 9.45 p.m.)

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the savings bank idea in Austria, ERSTE Foundation, the main shareholder of Erste Group, has organised a series of four panel discussions featuring outstanding speakers. World-renowned political scientist and bestselling author Francis Fukuyama will be the guest speaker at the first of these Tipping Point Talks in Vienna on 7 March. His latest book, “Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment”, was recently also published in German.

With the fall of the Iron Curtain thirty years ago, new opportunities opened up for Europe and its people, societies and economies. Even before that, Francis Fukuyama had predicted in his book “The End of History and the Last Man” that liberal democracy would eventually prevail over all other political systems. But this is not the case in many countries today. On 7 March, ERSTE Foundation will take an up-close look at the current situation with him, discussing the topic from different angles together with experts and practitioners with various backgrounds from all over Europe.

Follow the high-level panel discussion via live stream

After Fukuyama’s speech on “Identity Politics – The Demand for Dignity and the Nation State’s Future”, eminent figures will join him for a debate: Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, EU diplomat Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, political scientist Ivan Krastev and philosopher Karolina Wigura will take the stage. Almut Möller, head of the Berlin office of the European Council on Foreign Relations, will moderate the discussion.

Welcome addresses will be given by Boris Marte, Deputy Chairman of the Board of ERSTE Foundation, and Erste Group CEO Andreas Treichl.

The event will be streamed live at

About ERSTE Foundation:

The main shareholder of Erste Group, ERSTE Foundation safeguards the independent future of one of the largest financial services providers in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. As a private savings bank foundation in Austria, ERSTE Foundation labours to promote the common good, investing a portion of its dividend in the region on which Erste Group centres its activities. Its goals are to strengthen civil society, support socially disadvantaged groups and sponsor contemporary art in Europe.

The Tipping Point Talks event series is curated by Verena Ringler.

Contact for enquiries:

Tipping Point Talks, Communications: Thomas Goiser, +43 664 2410268,

ERSTE Foundation, Communications: Maribel Königer, +43 664 8385341,