Book about first Qurultay of Crimean Tatars released in Ukraine. Photos

The history of the first Qurultay [a national congress and the highest representing plenipotentiary body] of the Crimean Tatar people is interesting as the basic political traditions and symbols of the indigenous people of Crimea originated and the political nation of the Crimean Tatars was formed at that time. 

Andriy Ivanets, the author of The First Qurultay: From Crimean Tatar Constituent Assembly to National Parliament (1917-1918), said during the presentation of the book on Friday.

"This book is very important for the present-day Ukrainian society because it is dedicated not to an ordinary event from the life of the Crimean Tatars, the indigenous people in Crimea and Ukraine. The first Qurultay is a story that has not ended. The Qurultay, founded in 1917, exists today," Ivanets said.

According to him, it was that time when the essential traditions and symbols important for the Crimean Tatars, for example, the Crimean Tatar flag which is honoured on June 26 (the day of the second Qurultay opening in 1991), were laid.

The author of the book emphasized that he aimed to convey the real knowledge about the history of the indigenous people of Crimea, which would promote "greater mutual understanding and rapprochement between Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars."
