March 22 - World Water Day

Today is the World Water Day, which was introduced by the UN General Assembly in 1993.

On this day, measures are being taken around the world to draw attention to the problems of freshwater, the need to protect water resources and use them rationally.

Ukraine also paid special attention to issues and problems related to water. In May 2003, the Water Information Center (unofficially named the Water Museum) opened in Kyiv in the buildings of the restored first central water supply system in Kyiv, which was built in the 1970s. In the underground part there is a museum showing the structure of the soil and life under the earth's surface and telling about the cycle of water, its impact on the hydrological system of the Earth. After getting acquainted with the exposition, it becomes clear how human activity affects the environment and what is being done to provide people with drinking water, control quality of water and ensure its distribution.

The Water Information Center

The goal of the World Water Day was to raise public awareness of the values of water and to realize the importance of its conservation and rational use.