Germany to allocate EUR 750,000 for humanitarian projects to help Donbas conflict victims

The German government will allocate additional EUR 750,000 in 2018 and 2019 for humanitarian projects to help the victims of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. EUR 400,000 more will be allocated by the Maltese Relief Service.

Ukrinform learnt this on Thursday from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine.

"The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany will further support the Maltese Relief Service over the next few years to continue its humanitarian assistance with the aim of psychosocial care for those affected by the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine by allocating about EUR 750,000 in 2018 and 2019. The humanitarian organization itself will make a significant financial contribution of about EUR 400,000 to implement the projects," the statement reads.

As noted, the project, which has gained support of the German Federal Government in the amount of about EUR 1.2 million euros over the past years, provides direct assistance for persons affected by the conflict, contributes to upgrading qualifications of representatives of local authorities, humanitarian institutions and support services in form of training sessions.
