Ukraine at OSCE: Despite Putin’s order, Russian troops continue to attack Azovstal

Russian troops continue to attack the Mariupol-based Azovstal plant despite Putin’s order to cease fire. Either the President of Russia has lost control over his army, or he is making another attempt to deceive everyone.

The relevant statement was made by Yevhenii Tsymbaliuk, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the International Organizations in Vienna, at a special meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on April 22, 2022.

According to Tsymbaliuk, despite the Kremlin’s plans, the Ukrainian military continue to fight in the besieged city of Mariupol.

Putin described Russia’s actions in Mariupol as ‘success’. This ‘success’ means the city leveled to the ground, thousands of civilians killed and tortured to death. Recently, the satellite imagery has revealed a 300-meter mass grave in Manhush, near Mariupol, Tsymbaliuk stressed.

Tsymbaliuk also showed two completely different photographs: Donetsk, which has been under fire ‘over the past eight years', according to the lies spread by Russian diplomats; and Mariupol, which has been completely destroyed by Russian troops over the past eight weeks.

In order to save Ukrainian cities, namely Mariupol, Russia must face increased international sanctions and further isolation, Tsymbaliuk noted.

A reminder that the Russian armed aggression has caused one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in the city of Mariupol. Russian troops are bombarding unarmed civilians and blocking the delivery of humanitarian aid. About 120,000 civilians are remaining trapped in the city. The Ukrainian side is making every effort to evacuate people.
