Dzheppar: Platform for de-occupation of Crimea to cover several levels

The platform for de-occupation of Crimea will include measures at various levels, the highest of which will be the Crimean Summit.

"The purpose of the Crimean platform is to raise the issue of Crimea at the highest international, political level. This platform will cover several levels. The highest level is the [meetings] of leaders of the states. We prepare the Crimean Summit for this level. Now it is difficult to say whether it will be possible to hold it physically due to the COVID-19 pandemic," First Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Emine Dzheppar told Crimea.Realities portal.

As noted, Ukraine suggests holding the platform’s meeting on February 26 - the Day of Crimean Resistance to Russian Occupation.

"The next level [of the platform] is the [meetings of] foreign ministers and defence ministers. Various activities within NATO, the EU, the UN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe will refer to this level. It will be an ecosystem of activities during the year and these should be systemic things," the First Deputy Foreign Minister said.

"An important aspect that I want to highlight is that we plan to present militarization [of Crimea] as one of the key consequences of the occupation of the peninsula," Dzheppar said.
