Kuleba: Poland is important Ukraine’s partner in counteracting Russian aggression

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba has started his working visit to Poland.

 “Poland is an extremely important partner of Ukraine, in particular, in counteracting Russian aggression and in cooperating in security and defense and energy sectors where Ukraine and Poland systematically and effectively oppose Russia's attempts to undermine Europe's energy security. Poland is also our reliable friend in the EU and NATO," Kuleba posted on Facebook.

Poland remains the fourth largest trading partner of Ukraine as of the end of the first quarter of this year, the minister added.

Today, Dmytro Kuleba will meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Jacek Czaputowicz in Warsaw. A meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius is scheduled in Lublin tomorrow.

"Tomorrow's meeting of the foreign ministers of Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania in Lublin is no less important and symbolic. The unity of our countries is a guarantee of security and prosperity of the whole region. This has been true for centuries and will continue to be so. After all, Ukrainian identity historically belongs to the family of the peoples of Central Europe. The monumental figure of Grand Hetman Kostiantyn Ostrogski is a vivid testimony to that,” Kuleba stressed.

As reported, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba is on a working visit to Poland on July 27-28.

On July 28, a meeting of the foreign ministers of Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania and a joint visit to the Grand Hetman Kostiantyn Ostrogski Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade will be held in Lublin. At the end of the visit, a joint declaration of the ministers is expected to be adopted.
