Russian court upholds six-year prison sentence to Crimean activist Karakashev

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation upheld the six-year prison sentence to Crimean left-wing activist Yevhen Karakashev, who was convicted for social media posts allegedly calling for terrorism.

 “The sentence was upheld. Although there were real circumstances to reduce the term of sentence, the court decided not to pay attention to them. It is already possible to file a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights,” said lawyer Oleksay Ladin, the Crimean Human Rights Group reports with reference to the Crimea.Realities project.

According to him, the activist participated in the court hearing via video conferencing from the Rostov-on-Don pre-trial detention center.

In the near future, Karakashev will be transferred to a colony penal to serve his sentence.

Earlier, the North Caucasus Military District Court in Rostov-on-Don (the Russian Federation) sentenced Karakashev to six years in a general regime penal colony.
