Czaputowicz: Poland to defend Ukraine's course towards EU and NATO

Poland will defend Ukraine's course towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

"We want to be in the one family of free and democratic countries which belong to the EU and NATO. Therefore, we strongly support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, its right to self-determination, sovereignty and membership in the EU and NATO," Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said in an interview with Ukrinform.

Commenting on the initiative of the President of Ukraine to enshrine in the Constitution the course of Ukraine towards the membership in the EU and NATO, the Polish Foreign Minister noted: "If Ukraine makes such a choice, it has the right to choose its own political path. We will defend this choice."

In opinion of Czaputowicz, Ukraine cannot join the Three Seas Initiative now, because it is not a member of the EU.

"If Ukraine joins the EU, of course, we will be glad to welcome it," the Polish minister stated.

The Three Seas Initiative (the Baltic Sea, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea) is the international political and economic initiative, founded in 2015, which includes 12 EU member states: Poland, Croatia, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.
