Sajdik reveals the results of latest Trilateral Contact Group meeting in Minsk

Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine and to the Trilateral Contact Group, Ambassador Martin Sajdik, revealed the results of the latest TCG meeting in Minsk.

Ukrinform learnt this from the OSCE press service.

"The members of the Working Group on Security reiterated their commitment to a comprehensive, sustainable and unlimited ceasefire. At the same time, they once again stressed the necessity to publish and comply with orders, including the need for disciplinary measures for violating the ceasefire," Sajdik said, noting the increase in the number of ceasefire violations.

Participants in the Working Group on Security also discussed the issues related to the withdrawal of forces and hardware, removal of heavy weapons and mine clearance. Besides, the possibilities to repair civil infrastructure facilities and clear approaches to entry-exit checkpoints from mines and vegetation were discussed.

The Working Group on Humanitarian Issues once again welcomed the exchange of detainees achieved in late December.

The Economic Working Group thoroughly considered the outage of the mobile operator "Vodafone-Ukraine" in the territory of certain areas of Donetsk region. The sides agreed that this issue is vital for the civilian population on both sides of the contact line. This complex issue requires and urgent solution.

The Political Working Group discussed, among other questions, the new Law “On the peculiarities of the state policy on securing the state sovereignty of Ukraine over the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions”.
