Alexander Vinnikov: To approach NATO, Ukraine needs systemic and irreversible reforms

Ukraine’s transferring to the standards of the North Atlantic Alliance requires not only technical changes in the security and defense sector, but also fundamental changes in the work of relevant institutions.

Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine Alexander Vinnikov stated this at a round-table meeting at Ukrinform.

“To approach NATO, Ukraine should focus on systemic changes so that to make the reforms sustainable and irreversible. It is important to understand that the introduction of Euro-Atlantic norms and principles means fundamental changes in mentality and the way the institutions work and co-operate. Without fundamental changes, the mere implementation of technical standards will not yield the results that Ukraine aspires to,” he noted.

At the same time, Vinnikov stressed that since the start of Russian aggression against Ukraine, NATO-Ukraine cooperation in the political and practical aspects has become "unprecedented".

He noted that Ukraine now faces significant external and internal challenges, but NATO allies want the country to become a true story of success.

"They [allies of the Alliance] are convinced that an independent, sovereign and stable Ukraine, which aspires to democracy and rule of law, is a guarantee of security not only in Eastern Europe, but in the whole Euro-Atlantic area too," said the Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine.
