Francois Hollande: All right-wing organization in Europe linked to Russia

Russia continuously checks the power of the West and tries to weaken it through financing various nationalist organizations in Europe.

French President Francois Hollande said this in an interview with several European media outlets, in particular with the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza.

"Russia tries to restore its USSR-era influence, therefore it attacked Ukraine. Russia is involved in settlement of the conflicts in the world for its own benefit. This is evident in Syria. Russia wants to be seen as the strong state and constantly checks our [Western] power and the ability to counteract," Hollande said.

The French President noted that he kept contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin but that did not mean agreement with the Russian "policy of accomplished facts."

"We, Europe, are pinned down. However, if we stay strong and united, Russia will have to establish long-term and equitable relations with us," Hollande said.

Speaking about the ideological and propaganda operations of Moscow, Hollande hinted that all the right-wing organization in Europe were linked to Russia to a greater or lesser extent.
