European Parliament in November not planning to vote on visa-free regime with Ukraine

The vote on abolishing visa requirements for Ukrainian citizens has not been put on the draft agenda of the session of the European Parliament to be held in Strasbourg on November 21-24.

This is evidenced by the European Parliament’s draft agenda of the forthcoming session published on its website.

As reported, the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs supported a draft resolution on amending a list of third countries, whose nationals are exempt from visa requirements when traveling to EU states for a short stay (apart from the Great Britain and Ireland) and to the Schengen area.

At the same time, the EU has not started the next procedure on adopting this decision – trilateral interinstitutional talks between the EU Council, European Parliament and European Commission.

Also, the EU noted that Ukraine fulfilled all requirements needed to waive a visa-regime with the EU.
