France urges Russia to free all captives

The Foreign Ministry of France has called on the Russian Federation to free all “illegally detained persons,” first of all, kidnapped and illegally kept Ukrainian pilot, MP and PACE member Nadiya Savchenko. 

French Foreign Ministry Spokesman Romain Nadal stated this, when asked by Ukrinform correspondent about the position of France on a recent statement made by the Russian foreign ministry’s press secretary that Savchenko doesn’t belong to the category of persons that are to be immediately freed in line with the Minsk agreements.

“Our position is well-known: we are urging on Russia not to keep illegally detained persons in its territories, especially Nadiya Savchenko, whose state of health raises concerns,” the French foreign ministry’s spokesman said.

According to him, the French side is expecting a full implementation of Minsk agreements, in particular, regarding the exchange of captives.
