NEW IN INTERVIEW Jeffrey Trimble: I wouldn't blame Ukraine for blocking Russian media

Fight against the Kremlin propaganda in the United States is not a new development. Since the Cold War times the United States tried to prevent the USSR to poison the minds of the people in the Soviet Union and in the countries of the so-called socialist bloc.

But after the fall of the Soviet empire, unfortunately, the situation has not improves. Today, Ukraine is experiencing the results of hybrid war waged by Moscow. In addition, the Kremlin propaganda now threatens the Western community, by making attempts to split it as effectively as possible on the Ukrainian crisis issue.

Deputy Director of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) Jeffrey Trimble tells how the U.S. government sees this situation in an interview with the Ukrinform's own Washington correspondent The Bureau he represents is an independent U.S. government agency responsible for U.S. international broadcasting combining Voice of America, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty and several broadcasting media in foreign languages.

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