TikTok fake: NSDC secretary calls employees of recruitment centers a 'God's hand'

Russian propaganda continues to create a negative image of the Ukrainian government and mobilization

A six-second video featuring Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council, is being shared on the TikTok social network. The text superimposed on the video states that "Danilov called territorial recruitment centers a God's hand."

In the video, you can really hear the following words: "This is done by a God's hand. What is happening there today. You don't argue with God."

The video recording is an excerpt from a Radio NV program that was posted on YouTube on March 28, 2023.

In both videos, in the upper right corner, you can see the same time when Danilov's conversation with journalist Oleksiy Tarasov was recorded.

The topic of the interview was the termination of a lease agreement with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) and the subsequent vacating of the premises of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery by this organization.

The out-of-context excerpt of the video was taken in the timeline from 16:52 to 16:58. This was Danilov's answer to a journalist's question about what he expects from March 29, 2023, when the lease agreement with UOC (MP) will be officially terminated.

The NSDC secretary said, "It will be an ordinary day, nothing strategic or global will happen. There are laws of our country that everyone will respect. Without exception. It doesn't matter whether you love God, whether you go there or not. It does not matter. All laws in our country will be enforced. I want to remind you: if you say that everything that happens in the world is a God's hand, then believe that it is the God's hand that is doing what is happening there today. You don't argue with God, aren't you? So God decided that on the 29th you should leave this monastery and move to another place."

These words have nothing to do with military recruitment centers and mobilization in Ukraine.

Interestingly, the version of the video used by the propagandists for the fake is of Russian origin. In the upper left corner of the video, we can see a watermark with the inscription "Novoye Izdaniye" in Russian.

Pro-Russian blogger Anatoly Shariy and a pro-Kremlin Russian Telegram channel Mriya, which pretends to be Ukrainian, used this version of the video in their propaganda posts on March 29, 2023.

Earlier we wrote about how the governor of the National Bank of Ukraine was discredited with the help of "positive" fakes.

Andriy Olenin