Russian propaganda fakes cover page of El Jueves magazine

Fact Check

Russian propaganda attempting to distort impression of Ukrainian president's visit to Argentina

Russian Z-Telegrams channels are spreading an allegedly new cover of the satirical Spanish magazine El Jueves. It depicts the cartoon for the visit of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to Argentina for the inauguration of this country's leader, Javier Milei.

This is a fake. There is no magazine with such a cover on the official El Jueves website nor on its social media pages, where the front pages of a new magazine issue are published.

El Jueves comes out once a month and does not have a special issue, as shown on the fake cover. In addition, the fake cover has No. 2.395. However, a magazine issue with this number will only appear in January 2024.

The latest issue, published in early December, had No. 2.394, and the image on its cover is completely different.

It has already been announced on the magazine's official website how the magazine cover will look like in January. It has nothing to do with Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Argentina for Milei's inauguration.

Russian propagandists often fake the covers of foreign publications. In particular, Ukrinform refuted fakes about Charlie Hebdo, Courrier International, Franc-Tireur, Ananda Vikatan, Humor Times and others.

Earlier, Russian propaganda forged the cover of the German magazine Titanic.

Andriy Olenin