Gas TSO of Ukraine refutes reports about resumption of gas transit to Hungary

CEO of the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU) Sergiy Makogon has said that reports spread by some media outlets about the alleged resumption of gas transit from Russia to Hungary through Ukraine are not true.

In a post on his Facebook page, Makogon wrote: "Information is spread in the media that Gazprom has resumed gas transit through Ukraine to Hungary. This is not true. Yes, there is a small flow of gas from Ukraine to Hungary, but it is not transit, it is re-export of gas by European traders, which they kept in Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities,” Makogon wrote

As reported, from October 1, 2021, the transit of natural gas through the territory of Ukraine in the direction of Hungary was stopped. Hungary has signed a contract with Russia for the supply of gas bypassing Ukraine. Hungary will annually receive 3.5 billion cubic meters via Serbia through the Turkish Stream gas pipeline and its overland extension, and 1 billion cubic meters via Austria.
