Canadian investment facilitation initiative to be implemented in Cherkasy region


Cherkasy region has become a pilot region for the implementation of the Canadian government-funded initiative for investment facilitation.

"Cherkasy region has become a pilot region where the Regional Investment Projects Facilitation initiative will be implemented within the five-year project ‘Support to Ukraine's Reforms for Governance’ (SURGe), implemented by the Government of Canada," the press service of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration informs.

Within the framework of the project, a territorial community chooses the priority areas of public investment depending on its own needs. The experts will help identify the investment needs of a united territorial community, prepare projects and implement them. The Regional Development Agency, which already has experience in similar interactions with communities, will also be involved.

As Chairman of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration Roman Bodnar noted that Canada is a key partner of Ukraine as it currently implements 13 projects in the country.

"We have identified two strategic areas for the development of the Cherkasy region, which complement each other and are linked with each other. The first major area is formation of a viable economy. The second area is an improvement of the quality of life, education, culture, security, ecology. The latter forms the workforce capacity of educated people who want to work in their homeland. In this regard, the experience and advice of international experts is important to us," Bodnar said.
