Average salary in Donetsk region grows by 22% and amounts to $350

In Donetsk region, the average wage of a full-time employee increased by 22.1% during the year and amounted to UAH 9,850 [about USD 350].

Ukrinform learnt this from the Main Department of Statistics in Donetsk region.

“In September 2018, the average nominal wage of a full-time employee at enterprises, institutions and organizations amounted to UAH 9,850, which is 2.6 times more than the minimum wage (UAH 3,723). It increased by 22.1% compared to the average nominal wage in September 2017,” the report reads.

The average nominal wage increased by 0.9% compared to August 2018.

The real wage index in September 2018 was 99.2% compared to August 2018, and 110.1% compared to September 2017.
