Minister Jaresko heads Ukrainian delegation at joint business forum in Netherlands

Dutch town Nutdorp is the venue for the Ukrainian-Dutch Business Forum.

The Ukrinform’s own Holland correspondent reports more than 250 companies from Ukraine and the  have signed up to participate in the forum.

The Ukrainian delegation at the forum is headed by finance minister Natalie Jaresko. The forum will be attended by minister of agrarian policy and food Oleksiy Pavlenko, deputy head of presidential administration Dmytro Shymkiv, officials and businesses’ representatives.

The Dutch government is presented by minister for foreign trade and development cooperation of the Netherlands Lillianne Ploumen.

A number of panel discussions on cooperation in aerospace, IT technologies, infrastructure and logistics have been scheduled.

The Forum is held on the eve of the Dutch referendum on the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement that will take place on 6 April.