Ukrainian military hold exercises near Crimea

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Ukrainian artillery units have held exercises near the administrative border with the temporarily occupied Crimea, practicing the deployment of Uragan multiple launch rocket systems and aiming them at conventional enemy targets, the command of the Joint Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has reported on Facebook.

Joint Forces Commander, Lieutenant-General Serhiy Nayev stated that field training exercises had been held in conditions simulating war.

"Within minutes, powerful and high-precision weapons were brought into combat readiness. Artillerymen quickly moved out of the concentration area, completed a route march, deployed artillery in the area and aimed it at conventional targets for their further defeat," Nayev said.

According to him, servicemen practiced training exercises to destroy amphibious warfare, armored vehicles and control points of the conventional enemy.

The military also performed exercises to remotely lay mines in the areas of the probable attack of a conventional enemy.

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