OSCE mission records no ceasefire violations in Donbas on Oct 13

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) recorded no ceasefire violations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions as of 19:30 on October 13, according to a daily report issued by the SMM on October 14, 2020.

"The SMM recorded no ceasefire violations in either Donetsk or Luhansk region," the report reads.

In the previous reporting period, the SMM recorded 14 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and one in Luhansk region. The Mission had previously recorded no ceasefire violations in either region between the evenings of September 24 and 25.

According to the report, following agreement reached at the meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group on July 22 regarding additional measures to strengthen the ceasefire, from 00:01 on July 27 until the end of the reporting period, the SMM has so far recorded a total of 1,620 ceasefire violations in both Donetsk and Luhansk regions (including 398 explosions, 17 projectiles in flight, seven muzzle flashes, 21 illumination flares and 1,177 bursts and shots).
